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Author name: CJ Tuttle

As a seasoned cigar aficionado, CJ has cultivated an unparalleled level of knowledge and expertise in all aspects of cigars, from their origins and production methods to their unique flavor profiles and pairings. He has traveled extensively to the world’s top cigar-producing regions, building relationships with some of the most talented and respected cigar makers in the industry.

how bad are cigars for you

The Health Effects of Cigars and Premium Cigars: Understanding the Risks and Quitting Smoking for a Healthier Life

Cigars, especially premium cigars, have long been associated with luxury and prestige. But what are the health effects of cigar use and their smoke? In this article, we’ll explore the composition of cigars, the health risks associated with being a cigar smoker, and how they compare to when you smoke cigarettes. We’ll also discuss the […]

The Health Effects of Cigars and Premium Cigars: Understanding the Risks and Quitting Smoking for a Healthier Life Read More »

why you don't inhale cigars

Cigar Smoking: The Art of Inhaling Cigar Smoke, Safer Techniques, and Debunking Myths About Inhaling Cigars Compared to Cigarette Smoking

If you’re new to cigars, you might be wondering why you don’t inhale cigar smoke like cigarette smoke. The practice of not inhaling cigars can be confusing for those transitioning from cigarettes or for those who have never smoked before. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you don’t inhale cigars, the difference between

Cigar Smoking: The Art of Inhaling Cigar Smoke, Safer Techniques, and Debunking Myths About Inhaling Cigars Compared to Cigarette Smoking Read More »

what do cigars taste like

What Do Cigars Taste Like? Cigar Flavors, Cigar Tasting Notes, and How To Taste a Cigar!

Cigars have long been associated with relaxation and luxury, but there’s more to cigar smoking than meets the eye. To truly appreciate and enjoy a cigar, it’s essential to understand the intricacies of its taste. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of cigar taste, exploring flavor profiles, tobacco origins, and how to savor

What Do Cigars Taste Like? Cigar Flavors, Cigar Tasting Notes, and How To Taste a Cigar! Read More »

why do people smoke cigars

Reasons Why People Smoke Cigars: Relaxation, Celebration, and the Timeless Appeal of Smoking a Cigar

Cigar smoking has been a pastime for centuries, capturing the interest and fascination of countless individuals. But why do people smoke cigars? This article delves into the reasons behind this enduring habit and explores the various factors that contribute to its appeal. Whether you are looking at info on cigars for beginners or you’re a

Reasons Why People Smoke Cigars: Relaxation, Celebration, and the Timeless Appeal of Smoking a Cigar Read More »

what is in cigars

Cigars, Cigarettes, and Health Effects: An In-Depth Look

Introduction Cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco products have been a subject of debate and concern for health professionals and smokers alike. This article delves into the world of smoking. Whether you smoke cigars or cigarettes, exploring their differences, health effects, and trends in usage. Get ready to unravel the mysteries behind these two popular forms of

Cigars, Cigarettes, and Health Effects: An In-Depth Look Read More »

when were cigars invented

A Brief History of Cigars: Exploring the Smoke Filled Journey Through Time

Cigar history is indeed a long and interesting history. From ancient Mayan rituals to modern-day cigar lounges, the history of cigars is as rich and complex as the smoke they produce. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of cigars, their introduction to Europe, and their eventual global popularity. Ancient Mayan Origins: How The Mayans

A Brief History of Cigars: Exploring the Smoke Filled Journey Through Time Read More »

how long do cigars last

Cigar Storage: How Long Do Cigars Last in a Humidor and Tips for Storing Cigars Long-Term

Cigars are prized by aficionados for their intricate flavors and aromas. One question that often arises is, “how long do cigars last?” The truth is, cigars can last indefinitely if stored properly. This article will cover the factors affecting cigar longevity, ideal storage conditions, and signs that your cigars are aging well. We’ll also discuss

Cigar Storage: How Long Do Cigars Last in a Humidor and Tips for Storing Cigars Long-Term Read More »

how to keep cigars fresh

Master the Art of Cigar Storage: Efficient Ways to Store Cigars in a Humidor and Using Household Items

The art of cigar storage is essential for any cigar aficionado who wants to keep their cigars fresh and flavorful. Even if you are just starting to smoke cigars, you want them to be the best quality they can be. Whether you have a premium humidor or need to store cigars without a humidor, it’s

Master the Art of Cigar Storage: Efficient Ways to Store Cigars in a Humidor and Using Household Items Read More »

Cigar Accessories

Best Cigar Accessories for the Perfect Smoking Experience

Cigars are a luxurious and premium experience, and having the right cigar accessories can enhance that experience even more. Whether you’re a beginner smoker or a seasoned aficionado, you’ll find that having the right accessory can make all the difference in the enjoyment of your cigars. Our List of Top Cigar Accessories Cigar Humidors |

Best Cigar Accessories for the Perfect Smoking Experience Read More »